Bruce Markow, LMT


News & Specials

Stay tuned to this web site for the latest news, info, wellness tips, inspiration and occasional special offers, all to boost your well-being.

Meanwhile, call (212) 721-8640 or email Bruce to

  • Schedule in-person (NYC) and virtual sessions (Anywhere)
  • Buy gift certificates (Available online for video and in-person visits)
  • Get more information on how Bruce's practice can support you 
  • Receive the free, informative and inspiring monthly ePostcard, The Well-Being Almanac
In the meantime, as always, take a deep breath (Really. Just do it.)... and be good to yourself. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! GRATITUDE HEALS – NOV 24, 2022

For plentiful resources on growing gratitude, go to this page:

Starting Next Monday, It's SMILE WEEK! on Bruce's Facebook Page - Sept 23, 2022

Investigate and experience the surprising  power of what's on your face


More Support For Your Thriving. Announcing Bruce's New Facebook Page - May 1, 2022

Bruce Markow LMT Holistic Well-Being, NEW Facebook PageNow you can can get more holistic well-being support on Bruce's new Facebook Page, Bruce Markow LMT Holistic Well-Being.

Come by for a visit and get informed, inspired and maybe even transformed!

You're invited to make the most of the posts – and, to help others thrive, please Like the Page and posts and Share them with your buddies, family, co-workers, etc.

You can also converse with Bruce and other like-minded well-being enthusiasts.


New for 2020! READY and SET TO GO with VideoVisits!  • April 20, 2020

A rainbow brings new life after a storm. To help weather the storm and ride a rainbow there are virtual sessions for well-being coaching and distance healing with Bruce Markow LMT (212) 721-8640Get the same highly dedicated, individualized level of support you'd expect from in-person massage and bodywork with sessions purposed to reduce stress, raise immunity and resilience, strengthen breathing health, increase & balance energy, develop your internal support system, lead you to both peace of mind and greater effectiveness... and many of the same benefits I have focused on for decades to empower you and your vitality. These VideoVisits will help you survive challenges, thrive in a new world and be better equipped in your holistic well-being, personal health and conscious embodiment during trying times... and well beyond. 

Just email bgood2self(at)gmail(dot)com or call (212)721-8640 to arrange your next session and to learn about options and logistics.

For your reference, this new testimonial comes from Rene P, a university professor and theater arts specialist now living in eastern MA:

"I have been working with Bruce for twenty years. Our sessions are always incredibly healing and transformative experiences, with lasting benefits. Bruce gives deep, conscious care for me as an individual. He has always strongly advocated for my self care, too, and this is at least as important now as ever, for all of us.  

Since covid, I have been working with Bruce online for the first time and, among other things, he shares with me diverse techniques for building and balancing energy and releasing tension. Feeling trapped at home and still wanting that one-on-one care, I was so grateful for this new way of exploring my holistic health and learning about and empowering myself.  

With Bruce’s presence and support on Zoom, what a joy it was to feel the energy flow again throughout my body and watch the back pain disappear! I felt great the next day, and then repeated some of the exercises he had led me through – and my body felt even stronger. I also had a new sense of presence and joy, so connected with everything. Thank you Bruce."

Thank you, Rene!

This service is potent. I like and respect it. It will remain an ongoing part of my offerings.

I look forward to using this pause time, however challenging, in a positive light. I commit to harnessing its silver lining to co-evolve our priorities and come out on the other side stronger, clearer, healthier and happier... in a world that better supports our individual and collective best choices for well-being.

Please join me in this vision and endeavor.

This Month's Well-Being ePostcard  • December 15, 2019, revised (original, January 15, 2015)

If you subscribe (Do it now) to Bruce's monthly Well-Being ePostcard, you will have already received useful entries like this month's (edited here into a somewhat longer, more comprehensive version) to help you feel healthy, clear and energized, and to gain momentum as this year closes and a new one develops:

SUBJECT: A Concise Checklist to Empower You with Well-Being... Now and All Year Ahead

I wish you Happy Healthy Holidays! With all the potential joys, this time can also be a whirlwind. Is yours filled past the brim with overdoing, overspending and overeating? Maybe a bit much partying, shopping, traveling or gathering with family/co-workers/friends? (Or maybe there's an unsettling absence of some of these activities?)

When January rolls in after all this, many people feel unfocused and hit the brakes, lost in the cold and dark that accompany the new year.

But being in an internal haze is the last thing your well-being needs during these colder months. While honoring and enjoying the spirit of relative stillness that winter encourages, it is also vitally important to keep yourself strong and clear through intentional continuity, personal upkeep and positive self-reflection. Refocusing now helps you affirm activities, behaviors and mindsets that protect, enhance and deepen your incomparably valuable well-being. 

Use this checklist to help carry you during this cold, dark transition time... through the season and all year long:

  Keep up with regular massage. There's no sense listing this one last-but-not least, when good bodywork stands out in these times (just as it did eons ago to Hippocrates, the "father of modern medicine") as a healthy, fundamental way for your body, mind and energy to 

  • ease and relax      
  • normalize
  • balance 
  • heal
  • safeguard
  • renew
  • develop  
  • make mindful 
  • and celebrate life

Many of my clients rely on their appointments as the moments they know they will come back home to themselves (and receive some healthy, much-wanted renovation while they're at it!).

Think Endorphins!

   Eat well. This includes not only the what, but also when, how much, how vital and how consciously. I'll cover this in more depth another time, but meanwhile be sure to center yourself before eating, chew well and let your senses fully enjoy! (Quick tip: During cold weather many people thrive with more warm, well-cooked roots, tubers and grains and fewer raw foods.)

   Attend to your moisture and temperature needs. It seems wise to drink enough fluids, but avoid over-diluting digestive enzymes at mealtime. Go easy on caffeine, sweeteners and alcohol. Avoid overheating and overcooling yourself. Humidify an overly dry home. Wear layers outdoors. Snugly covering the back of your neck in cold and/or wind may prevent respiratory colds, according to Chinese medicine.

   Enjoy some aerobic exercise to keep everything moving and to prevent stagnation; plus other movements that balance and bring awareness, such as yoga or tai chi. Maintain or develop needed strength. Have you been doing the planks that I wrote to you about in past ePostcards?

   Stretch your body physically; then stretch your mind as well! You absolutely can teach "old dogs" new tricks, skills and attitudes.

   Breathe. Explore yoga pranayama, breath meditation or just counting or watching your breaths. (If your breathing isn't absolutely full and free and you are in/near New York, please book some sessions to address this through bodywork and coaching.)

   Balance active and social time with quiet time. Harmonize work, play and focused effort with rest, sleep and self-reflection. Let go of pushing, as you are able. Attend to your sleep-time care.

   Spend at least some moments in witness mode. Someone/something within you watches with equanimity as thoughts, beliefs, feelings and sensations flow by. Make use of meditation, focusing or other self-awareness activity.

   Begin, renew or maintain a practice of gratitude. This is such an easy, potent and proven well-being booster. For more support, read this

   Allow yourself a life-enhancing attitude of wonder, fascination, curiosity and playfulness toward your body, mind and feelings and toward your challenges. Can this attitude supersede fear, anxiety, worry, torpor, boredom, habituation, willfulness, avoidance and pessimism? I think so... Let's find out!... Who's in?!

   On your cosmic balance sheet, take wise care of your finances, seek ways to be of service – both by design and impromptu, and spend money on things you believe in; pay it forward; help build a planet you love and be the change you wish to see. 

 • It would mean so much to me for you to say (in an email, by phone or during your session meeting) whether this well-being checklist serves you and, if so, how you apply it and benefit from it.

 • Please know that this is offered for educational and motivational purposes, based on extensive study, observation, professional and personal experience and a sense of service, but without formal allopathic medical training. I never diagnose, prescribe or treat. Do not hesitate to consult a medical professional to pursue any specific health concern.

 • You have options to further pursue (with me, if you like) how these practices can personally support you – in person or with a pre-arranged phone or Skype call. Just ask.

I wish you all the best always and hope your year's end and the new one soon to blossom will be overflowing with vibrant health, happiness, prosperity, fulfillment, ease and delight... and feeling good in so many ways.

Many blessings and blissings,

© Jan 2015, Dec 2019 Bruce Markow
  • Please forward this Well-Being ePostcard to your heart’s content
  • Your comments and questions are welcome by email and phone
  • Subscribe at  Thank you.

Bruce Markow LMT
Telephone: 212-721-8640


Massage Gift Certificates:

Studio: 238 W.72nd Street #2F
New York, NY 10023

What/Why: Massage Therapy, 
Holistic Bodywork and
Well-Being Coaching
to Relax, Transform & Heal

Call or email for your session

To Enjoy an Amazing Year • January 15, 2019
Happy New Year 2019!
May this delightful practice accompany you on a year’s worth of inspiring moments for you to
1) enjoy as you live them,
2) be re-wowed by your memories and
3) keep your essential inner state bathed in gratitude.
In case you haven’t heard/seen me say/write before that double blind tests prove that practicing gratitude powerfully promotes good health, increases well-being and decreases stress, it’s true! (For more on this, plus other fun and effective ways to grow your gratitude, see

Your FLEX Plan & My Licensed Massage Therapy  • February 15, 2015
Do you have a FLEX Plan through your workplace? This is an annual program that lets you use a pre-specified amount of your salary earnings, without being taxed, toward many of your healthcare costs not covered by insurance. It can save you a lot of money in taxes! 
Over the years many of my clients have applied their sessions at my practice as eligible expenses covered by their Flexible Spending Account.
Ask your employer and/or tax preparer if you can use an FSA, HSA, MSA or HRA for your wellness by effectively defraying the cost of my professional services. It is possible you will need an MD's recommendation to take advantage of the program when you see me. Of course, I will be happy to provide the appropriate receipts. 

Announcing A New Location  • January 1, 2011

Bruce Markow's massage & bodywork sanctuary has happily moved down the road, barely two half-blocks and across the street, to an even more welcoming space for you to feel, become and be your best. A place for life-enhancing Transformation Touch.

Experience for yourself, at 238 West 72nd St., #2F (between Broadway/Amsterdam & West End Ave.).

For details, click The Time is Now.

Looking forward to seeing you at 238!... and dedicated to your best,



"In the meantime, take a deep breath...
and be good to yourself.
" ™

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Bruce Markow, LMT. All rights reserved.